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Mountainburg High School

Mountainburg Arkansas is a small town north of Fort Smith. It is locted in Crawford County. The population fo the city is just under 700 poeple. This city has been the home of Lake Fort Smith State Park for many years.


Mountainburg has a school district which includes an elemntary, Middle and High School. The current enrollment of the district in around 650 students. There is practically no diversity with it being less than 1% diverse.


The tenth grade has a class of 46 students.


The class that this unit is created for is the Tenth Grade PreAp English.


In this class there is 17 students. There are 6 boys, and 11 girls. Eight of the students are immediate cousins, and 10 of the 17 students are loosly related.


There is one student that is hispanic, and just moved in from Van Buren High School. This young lady has the same culture as the rest of these small town children.


All of the students come from working families, and two of the students are in the lowest economic level. These two students are both very intelligent, but they often come to school very tired from working late the night before.

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